What is open data?

As part of its day-to-day work, government agencies and departments create large amounts of data.

The Victorian government recognises the benefits associated with mandating a whole of government approach to the availability of Victorian government data for the public good.

By publishing this data in a form that anyone can access, modify and reuse, we:

  • contribute to a more transparent and accountable society
  • support the development of new technologies and services
  • stimulate the economy

Data is available on this site in a form that is machine-readable and is as complete and granular as possible.

The data is made available freely, without the need to register your details and without any licences that restrict how data is reused.

To be considered 'open', data needs to be:

  • published as close to its time of collection as possible
  • organised in a format that allows for machine processing 
  • available in an open file format (eg CSV)
  • made available in a permanent and stable format online

Open government data does not include private information about individuals. It is non-personal, unclassified and not confidential.

DataVic Access Policy 

The Victorian Government encourages the availability of Victorian government data for the public good. The DataVic Access Policy was developed to support this.

DataVic Access Policy Guidelines

The DataVic Access Policy is also supported by Standards and Guidelines. The DataVic Access Policy Guidelines direct how Victorian Government data should be released, licensed and managed so community and businesses can use it and reuse it. 
