New Freeway Travel Time open data

This data contains up to date travel time information on our freeways.

Monday, 1 May 2023 at 11:51 pm
Image of a car freeway at night

The Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) has released a new dataset called ‘Freeway Travel Time’ to Open Data. It contains up to date travel time information on our freeways. This is the same information shown on the VicTraffic website and the information boards along those roads. It includes the freeway segment name, actual travel time, nominal travel time, average speed, and spatial location.

This new version was developed based on external suggestions and feedback. Its purpose is to help both current and new users of Open Data, such as local government councils, academic research institutions, and businesses.

They can use this information in real-time or store it for future analytics to make more informed decisions.
