Information for developers - Accessing APIs and datasets

APIs can be powerful and easy-to-use tools for agencies and organisations to provide new, effective ways of opening data to the public.

The DataVic API provides access to hundreds of different datasets available through the DataVic portal. The datasets are published by agencies of the Victorian Government and are available on our API developer portal.

The DataVic API is built to the Whole of Victorian Government API design principles. They're designed to support developers with:

  • best practice in privacy, security, naming conventions and versioning
  • reusable methods to integrate APIs into their mobile applications and other systems.


Read our API design principals

DataVic is built on CKAN. CKAN is an open source data portal platform with tools for streamlining publishing, sharing, finding and using data.

The data available via DataVic can be accessed through the CKAN API by developers:

Access the CKAN API Guide
