Data sharing with other governments

Victoria has entered into the Inter-governmental Agreement on Data Sharing (IGA) to share data more effectively with other jurisdictions in Australia and is participating in the implementation of its associated Work Program.

Intergovernmental Agreement on Data Sharing

The IGA was developed by Data and Digital Ministers to commit jurisdictions to share data as a default position where it can be done securely, safely, and lawfully. The IGA was signed by National Cabinet on 9 July 2021.

National Data Sharing Work Program

The IGA is supported by a National Data Sharing Work Program overseen by the Data and Digital Ministers’ Meeting that is reviewed every 6 months. The current Work Program focuses on developing 3 priority data sharing areas:

  • Natural Hazards and Emergency Management
  • Waste Management
  • Road Safety

It is also complemented by data sharing system reform initiatives.

For more information, see the Data and Digital Ministers’ Meeting Communique 13 August 2021. If you think the Work Program could help your data sharing needs, please contact
